Friday, June 12, 2009

Don't throw away your old television set

The day my mom has been dreaded has arrived. Television broadcasts are going all digital. My brother took care of getting her a conversion box, but she still has been a little concerned about it all.

I was going to write a post about how to properly dispose of your old television set if you're deciding to go the route of buying a new TV instead of just a conversion box, but as I was checking my RSS feeder this morning, I saw that our friend Adam Shake from Twilight Earth has already done it. So why reinvent the wheel.

The gist of it is to make sure the TV gets e-cycled (electronic recycling) instead of tossed in the trash. There's a lot of good, reusable materials in old televisions that don't need to end up in landfills. You can hop on over to Adam's post TVs Go All Digital Today - Don't Toss Your Old One - eCycle Instead for the details.

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