Monday, April 7, 2008

Putting Together A Green Gift Basket

Several times a year I end up involved in putting together gift baskets for charity auctions. The men's group at my church asked for gift basket donations for an auction they are doing, and some friends and I decided to put together a green basket for the auction. 

Here's what went into the basket (which wasn't really a basket because we used a huge reusable tote bag):

  • organic coffee
  • a couple of organic chocolate bars
  • a travel coffee mug
  • a reusable beverage container
  • a packet of CFL's 
  • the book Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • 5 reusable grocery bags
  • an assortment of green cleaning products - probably 6 or 7 different products 

I'm so pleased with what we put together that I'll be tempted to bid on it myself on Saturday.

I'll be putting together a similar basket that will be donated by my town's green committee for our little league auction.

What would you add to a bag like this?

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