Friday, September 19, 2008

Who Wants to Join "Green Saves Green" Blogging Carnival In October

On Wednesday, Allison from It's The Little Thinks blogged about how she was scared for green U.S.A. 

A quote from her post:
I feel that some of the green ways that were adopted by many people this summer and years past because they could afford organic chicken will be placed aside to be able to buy regular hormonal chicken at a cheaper price. Among other things. Green will take a step back until the market sees sunshine again. And it will bounce back. But what will become of the small solar business that just started out? Or the organic farmer who nobody buys from because his food costs more thus he defaults on his loans?
Okay, let's forget for a minute that she talks about "regular hormonal chicken." She was on a rant. 

I responded to her discouragement with my best "cheer up little buckaroo" retort and suggested that perhaps we take action (because doing something always makes things seem less drastic) by making October "Green Saves Green" month in our corner of the blogosphere.

Now, I've never been a part of a blogging carnival, let alone organized one, but I'm going to be looking into how one works over the next few days. And if I think it may be something doable, I'd like to do a "Green Saves Green" blog carnival. For the month, participants would be blogging about the ways that being green can save some money.

If you regularly blog about green and think you might like to be a part of this, if it happens, leave a comment below and make sure there is way to contact you.
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Janine said...

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