Thursday, August 7, 2008

Garden Update - It's Me Vs. The Critters

It took what seemed like forever. But the first of my tomatoes started to turn red over the weekend. This morning, I had one tomato that looked like it needed just one more day of sun before I could pick it. My first beautiful tomato from my new organic garden.

Tonight, when I went out to check on it, it was lying on the ground half-eaten. I let out a few expletives. 

I thought the critters and I respected each other. I didn't freak out when they ate all my carrots. When I put cayenne pepper around my green beans, they stayed away. Somehow, I thought they would respect the tomatoes. They hadn't touched any of the tomato plants. Until today.

I've learned a lot this first year of gardening. The biggest lesson - next year get a fence. 

As upset as I am that my first tomato went to the critters, I'm excited that red is popping up all over. A lot of my Roma tomatoes are starting to turn. I'm excited to try to make my own spaghetti sauce from them. I'm also going to try my hand at salsa. I've got peppers and cilantro growing, too.

It's taken a lot longer than expected for my garden to start producing vegetables. I've had herbs for well over a month now. The basil has just been waiting for the tomatoes. I've been taking basil bouquets every time I visit a friend. 

How is your garden coming along?
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