Saturday, May 10, 2008

Locavores (and Wannabes) - I've Got Strawberries!

Just a short post to say:


The first of the season were at the farmer's market today. They were $5 a pint, but I didn't care. I haven't had a strawberry since mid-last summer. 

In about two weeks, I'll take my five year old on our annual strawberry picking day, and then not only will it just be strawberry time, but strawberry daiquiri time! 

Enjoy your weekend!
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Unknown said...

How funny. My girlfriend and I were wondering yesterday when we would see the first scottish strawberries being brought from the fields - where she lives is surrounded by berry farms.

We reckon another 3-4 weeks, depending on the weather.

Annie said...

Hi! I just read an article of yours about being a greener freelance writer - loved it. :) Thanks hon!